Sunday, June 28, 2015


Thanks for agreeing to review the CNC Quick Guide for Haas Mills.

The materials in this guide are distilled from my experience helping over 10,000 people learn to operate Haas Mills over the past 9 years or so.

I am a self taught machinist and instructor having had almost no experience teaching and even no experience using machine tools of any kind before my first day of class in the winter of 2006. In that class I had 62 students and guidance from my department head indicating that everyone should leave the labs with all of their fingers still attached.

In those first few years I learned how to teach and how to use CNC Machine tools.

I learned what helped students learn quickly and what didn't. 

And I quickly learned that I hated repeating simple concepts and really wanted the students to ask me more interesting questions. 

Before my 2nd batch of 62 students started just 8 weeks later I created my first version of this guide, at 14 pages and deployed as a PowerPoint show it helped the students turn the machines on, reference the tables and handle jog around without breaking anything expensive.

Since then with the help of countless students and colleagues  here have been dozens of concepts and pages added revised and even removed from the guide. What I need now is your help in figuring out what I've missed, or miss-explained. 

The Quick Guide is intended to be deployed at the machine tool either electronically or in a spiral bound book that allows novices and  experienced operators a quick reference in how to complete the steps required to successfully cut a part without crashing the machine. 

Review Instructions

As a reviewer you may view the pages of the Quick Guide page by page on this web site or you may download the entire document as a pdf.

Download the CNC Quick Guide for Haas Mills

If you have feedback or comments about the Quick Guide as a whole please leave them below. If you have feed back about a particular page of the Quick Guide please leave them on the post associated with that page.

If you have questions or comments you would like to give me directly please fee free to call me at the number listed below.

Torbjorn "Toby" Bergstrom

1 508 658 0050

Title Page


Acknowledgements and Authors

Table of Contents

Safety Page 1